DISCLAIMER: yadda yadda yadda *burp* this is based on a conversation myself, Noin and Hilde had about 7 months ago. (note: this [] will stand for an IM [hi?])

Beer, Kids, Guns and the Instant Messager
by Jade Dragon

"Hi, Hilde! What are you up to tonight?"
"Nothing much, Duo and the kids and I are going to hang around home. What about you, Relena?"
"Well, Noin is coming over to stay the night, we have some things to go over. And we're going to a dinner party latter this evening."
"Oh, well then, tell Heero to come over and bring the kids. They can sleep over here. Amber Lynn has been wondering when Alexia will be coming over again."
"Good, I'll tell them to do just that. Talk to you later, Hilde."

Relena hung up the phone just as Heero walked in with the kids. Relena told Heero about her plans. When she got to the part about Duo's house, all the kids began freaking out, jumping up and down, pulling on Heero and Relena's hands. "Oh please can we go?? Please please please??"
"Yes, Daddy."
Relena eyed her husband. He eyed her back. Finally, she spoke. "So, you're going to go?"
"Yeah, but I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you, too..." Heero leaned in to kiss Relena. Giggles erupted from the children and he leaned back. "KIDS! GO GET WHAT YOU NEED TO SLEEP OVER! NOW!"
"Hai, Daddy!" the kids went shrieking down the hall.
Heero said "Where were we?" he leaned close to Relena...and the god damned phone rang. Relena snatched it up. "Yes?" she snapped. She listened for a moment and when she spoke again her tone had softened. "Sure, but I'm leaving and Heero is taking the kids to Duo's. O.K., see you later." she hung up the phone.
"Who was that?"
"It was WuFei. He wanted to bring the triplets over, but you're leaving and Noin will be here soon."
Heero sighed as the kids trooped back into the room, laden down with sleeping bags, teddy bears and Monster Go ByeBye spray. (made especially for them by Pagan.)
"OK if I take the limo? I don't think all of this stuff can fit in the Elantra."
"Yeah, go ahead. See you guys tomorrow." Relena sighed and kissed the kids good-bye. Even though they drove her crazy, she missed them so much when they were gone. Heero pecked Relena on the cheek and piled the kids into the car.
In a few minutes Noin had arrived and they were on the way to the dinner party, which was in a neighboring estate. They stayed until about eight and they were back at the mansion on the computer when Hilde IMed them, [Help! Heero showed up with the kids, who are on a MAJOR caffeine buzz! He gave them coffee ice cream!]
Before Relena could reply, Hilde sent another IM [Zechs just came, too]
Relena quickly wrote back [What's going on?]
The reply came quickly [The guys are drunk, they gave the kids a little beer, and now I'm locked in a room w/ 9 sugar/alcohol buzzed kids!.]
Noin and Relena almost fell over in shock. [They gave beer to the kids? They are so dead!]
[The kids pulled down a bookshelf!]
[What can we do?]
[Send some help! It's CRAZY over here! AH! Someone just fired a gun!"]
Relena looked at Noin. "Maybe I can IM Trowa and he can go over there." Quickly, Relena typed in a screen name. 'CutieCircuisBoy124,' he wasn't on. She tried Treize's screen name, 'Forkebrows456' and he wasn't on. Feeling exasperated as more and more IMs came in from Hilde, Relena tried Lady Une, 'DoubleEdge369' to no avail. Feeling increasingly bitchy (are you saying she can get more bitchy then she already is?? Sorry! *ducks from Heero’s slap*) Relena tried Sally, 'Spacechick784', no luck. Noin took over so that Relena, who had started swearing at the computer could calm down.
Noin punched in Quatre's ‘FairyFruit345'. No luck, thankfully. With a screen name like that, it's no wonder the guys don't talk to him online! Noin thought. She tried Dorothy 'Warmongrol639'.
"Hey, do you think Dorothy and Quatre are off somewhere being romantic?" Noin asked. Relena shuddered at the mere thought.
"Just keep trying." She said as an IM from Hilde popped up. [The kids handcuffed me to my chair!]
Noin began to type more frantically. Catherine ‘BrothaLova467,' wasn't in. The last person to try was WuFei as much as Relena hated it. She took the keyboard from Noin and typed in WuFei's screen name 'Mr.Justice987,' he was on!
"Finally!" Relena yelled. She typed an IM. [WuFei! We need your help! Go to Hilde's the guys are drunk and going crazy!]
Seconds later he replied.
[That you, Relena? I didn't recognize the sn 'psychomom'! Sure! I'll help Hilde! I'll bring justice to the world and drunks everywhere!]
WuFei signed off and Relena leaned back in her seat.
"So now we're safe, because Mr. Justice's on the case?" Noin asked in a teasing voice as IMs from Hilde continued to flood in. Relena bashed her head against the wall and wished Heero was there so she could strangle him.


If you like it/hate it, you can AOL IM me at DemonicElfGirl. Other then that, you can tell the site owner comments and she can relay them to me!
~Jade Dragon

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