Come Undone
by jade dragon, lyrics from Duran Duran, characters from awesome creators...
Part Two of Shadow Boxer
Heero rolled over, stretching his arm out to touch Relena. Where she had been was
cold, an empty space. He sat up and looked around the room. Relena was gone. She had
walked out on him. He climbed out of bed and put on his clothes. Heero didn't know why
she had left him like that, but he did know he still loved her. All that mattered was if he
could get her to love him back.
Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin, I been waiting for you, signed, with
a home tattoo, happy birthday to you, was created for you.
Relena walked into her office, carefully keeping her foul mood in check. The morning
crawled by, she was having trouble keeping the night before out of her head. Oh why did
she sleep with Heero? Didn't she know it would cause her more pain?
'I know why, ' she thought, ' I still love him'
Can't ever keep from falling apart at the seams. Can I believe you're taking my
heart to pieces? Oh it'll take a little time, might take a little while to come undone.
At two-thirty there was a knock on her door. Before she could answer, it opened and
Heero walked in, holding a little girl by the hand. Relena gaped at him as he walked over
to her desk and lifted the little girl onto it. Even standing on top of the desk, she barely
came eye-to-eye with Relena. Relena was instantly won over by the dark curls framing the
girl's face. Intelligent Prussian blue eyes looked out at her from above bright pink cheeks.
She was easily the cutest child Relena had ever seen.
"Say 'hello' Ryanne." Heero said gently. Ryanne smiled and waved to Relena, who
waved back.
"Hi Ryanne. How would you like a lollipop?" Relena asked. Ryanne nodded and Relena
handed her the sweet. Heero lifted her off the desk and placed her on the floor.
"Go see Miss Miller, Ryanne." he opened the office door and handed Ryanne to
Relena's secretary. He returned to Relena, who still stood behind her desk.
We'll try to stay blind to the hope and fear outside. Hey child stay wilder then the
wind and blow me in to cry... who do you need, who do you love, when you come
"She's adorable Heero. How old is she?" Relena asked softly. Heero's eyes softened for
a moment; "She's just turned two, and already she's just like her mother." Immediately he
wished he could take those words back.
"It's O.K., Heero. She's gone now, and what's done is done."
Heero reached across the desk, and took Relena's cold hand.
"Then is there another chance for us, Relena?"
"I don't know, Heero. I'm so confused right now. Please..." She was interrupted by a
knock at the door. Miss Miller rushed in, carrying Ryanne, who was hysterically sobbing.
Heero rushed to take her from Miss Miller.
"What's wrong with her?" he asked, a frantic note in his voice. Relena thought he was
overreacting, but there was something abnormal about the baby's crying.
"I'm not sure, Mr. Yuy! Feel her forehead!" The poor secretary was almost in hysterics
herself. Heero pressed his hand to the baby's forehead.
"She's burning up! Relena, please call an ambulance!" He instructed. Relena picked up
the phone and began dialing. Suddenly, the crying stopped.
"Oh, god! She's not breathing! Tell them to hurry, Relena!"
Words, playing me deja vu, like a radio tune, I swear I've heard before. Chill, is it
something real or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers. Can't ever keep from falling
apart at the seems. Can't believe you're taking my heart, to pieces.
If you like it/hate it, you can AOL IM me at DemonicElfGirl. Other then that, you can tell the site owner comments and she can relay them to me!
~Jade Dragon
Part One
Part Three
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